State Rental Law On Carpet Cleaning – Who’s Responsible, Landlord Or Tenant?

State Rental Law On Carpet Cleaning – Who’s Responsible, Landlord Or Tenant?

State Rental Law On Carpet Cleaning – Who’s Responsible, Landlord Or Tenant?

When it comes to owning a house or living in an apartment, keeping your home clean can be laborious depending on the size of your living space. The task of cleaning and maintaining it can even be more difficult if your flooring is carpeted or have large carpets in your home.

Providentially, there are professional cleaning companies that specialized in carpet cleaning services. For instance, the Best Emergency Carpet Drying Service Brisbane| Emergency carpet drying are well-known in Brisbane as they have been providing reliable and expert carpet drying and repair services for over 15 years. With these years of experience in the industry and under their belt, they ensure to protect their reputation by providing quality service for absolute customer satisfaction.

Who Should Clean The Carpet

While it is your responsibility to clean the carpets in the house you own, you might have some queries about who is responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of carpets in a rented apartment. In the US, state rental law requires landlords to provide their renters units that are safe as well as livable, like clean running water and heaters for cold weathers, and nothing that would pose danger to the life of their tenants while they reside in the rental unit or property.

In terms of carpet stains in the apartment, it isn’t necessarily the direct responsibility or task of the landlord to ensure it is cleaned. While a dirty carpet is off putting, it doesn’t make the unit unsafe or unlivable since it is simply dirty. The question is who made the carpeting or carpet dirty? As soon as that is established, it will be easier to determine who will be responsible for carpet cleaning.

If you, the renter, caused the stain or dirt, it is then your obligation to clean the carpet. But if you, the renter or tenant, have noticed carpet stains before moving into the unit, your landlord cannot put the obligation of cleaning the carpet or paying for carpet cleaning on you since you weren’t responsible for the carpet stain/s in the first place.

In order to help you determine whether or not your landlord is required by law to clean the carpet in your unit, look into the following:

  • County Building Codes
  • State Tenant-landlord Laws
  • Written and/or verbal promises made by your landlord
  • Terms and Conditions of your Lease
