Laws Governing The Use of Scooters

Laws Governing The Use of Scooters

Laws Governing The Use of Scooters

Basically, a scooter is a vehicle that consists of 2 to 3 wheels. It is actually motorized or sometimes its motor has a cylinder that can accommodate not greater than 50 ccs. Moreover, this vehicle has a maximum speed of 70km per hour. In the event that the vehicle does not fall or qualifies in the said definition, it is then classified as a motorcycle.

The availability of this kind of vehicle is widely spread over the market. You may find one at an e-scooter store like Generally, riding a scooter comes with specific laws to govern it. How laws are made for this type of vehicle depends on its use by the general public.

Electric Scooter Safe Riding Rules

General Requirements

Below are the requirements in order to be eligible to drive or ride a scooter.

Driver’s License

A-Class 6D license must be secured to drive a scooter. To be eligible for the Class 6D license, one must:
• Be 14 years of age
• Have a passing rate on the Road Safety Education Program – Operating a Moped or Motorized Scooter
• Achieve a good rating on the SAAQ’s knowledge test
• Qualifies on the vision test

Scooter Registration

Registration of this motorized vehicle must be done in order to qualify it for road use.

Rules and regulations to follow:

1. Zero-alcohol rule

As simple as it is, the zero-alcohol rule means that a rider must not be under the influence of alcoholic beverages while driving a scooter. In case the rider has less than 5 years of experience in riding a scooter, you are eligible for the zero-alcohol rule. Moreover, a rider that has 5 or greater than 5 years riding experience, the zero-alcohol rule applies until the rider’s age of 22 years old. In addition, in case that the rider is under 16 years old, he should not be riding with a passenger.

Riding a scooter under 16 years of age must not allow for having a passenger. In case riding with a passenger, a fine of $100 should be imposed.

2. Use of protective helmets

All riders that must ride a scooter must need to have a helmet that must qualify in any of the stated standards:
• Snell Memorial Foundation
• UN ECE Regulation 22
• Canadian Standards Association – CAN-3-D230
• American National Standards Institute – Specifications for Protective Headgear for Vehicular User Z90.1
• British Standards Institute

3. Mandatory accessories for scooters

Under the law, scooters need to have accessories or equipment that may help for abiding the safety road regulations. These scooter accessories are the following:
• One piece of white headlight
• Single, red-colored taillight
• One piece of red-colored brake light located at the rear position
• Four pieces of turn signal lights:
 Two pieces of red or amber colored lights at the rear position
 Front lights of two pieces white or amber-colored
• Mirrors for rear-view
• The good working braking system
• Muffler and exhaust system
