We all need to remember that a teacher carefully plans out her lessons before teaching. A professional chef plans out five-course meals before even cooking. A traveller maps out places and her itinerary before flying. Same goes to you, a campaign advocate also plans out advocacy before telling people who she is and what she believes in.
It’s always a one-step before you run.
Indeed, people who wanted to succeed in the advocacy they are campaigning must be wise at creating and planning it too. You need to be strategic enough and to know which one is favourable and which one is not.
Although, it’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all thing the idea of actually doing your best to look at the fine and grey lines gives you a chance. Let’s talk about a few tips we got here!
Or rather define your goal. If you don’t know what your goal is then how are you able to give them exactly what you wanted them to see? Planning advocacy means you have to be setting a goal in a more specific way that is also measurable by time and actions, realistic and is time-bound.
Know your purpose. Why are you doing this? why are you having these goals? your message will be the root of your campaign. it is what unifies you and your organization and it will also be the core reason for you to attract people who will trust and believe you.
Build a passionate group of people who believes in the same goal and advocacy that you have. You need to make sure that you have people who will be there for you day and night. They will as well represent you and your advocacy.