Achieve Your Goal By Following 3 SEO Laws

Achieve Your Goal By Following 3 SEO Laws

Achieve Your Goal By Following 3 SEO Laws

Would you like to be number one at Google? And do you want to know how to approach that with search engine optimization? With these 3 SEO laws, you make your goal achievable.

Before I reveal the 3 laws, it is essential to understand the difference between SEO and SEA. If you want direct online results via search engines, then you have to dig deep into your pockets. With search engine advertising – also called SEA – you buy a place in a sponsored position in the first search results of a user. This is useful for campaigns where you want to see results in the short term, but also in the long term SEA supports your strategy for more visibility. If you think about the long term and you want to work on a better user experience for your target group, then I recommend that you consistently focus on search engine optimization – also known as search engine optimization (SEO). Scoring with SEO is an endless game, as the rules and the playing field are always changing. So remember that you will always have to work hard to be and stay ahead of your competitors.

Why is SEO so important?
Getting higher in search results has often been described as a business goal. I rather see a higher position as a result. Your goal must be correct to provide your target audience with relevant information such as ‘seo malaysia’. If you do this structurally well, a higher position is a possible result.

3 SEO Laws: User Experience, Content, and Authority
After this introduction, it is now time for the three important SEO components, or as we call them at Links: 3 SEO laws. For every law, I share the what and the how so that you can get started right away. Adhering to these laws ensures that your website ranks higher in the search engines and attracts more visitors.

User experience

Think of your SEO strategy as building a house. The first law ‘user experience’ is the foundation of your success. Some important components are user-friendliness, fast loading times, logical site structure, the security of your website, structured data, rich snippets, and user experience. Websites must provide a perfect mobile experience, especially now that mobile-first indexing is the standard. This means that Google takes the mobile version of your website as a starting point. The user experience (UX) of a website is also becoming increasingly important in Google’s review process. So you not only have to think about content but also the way in which you offer it.

  • Retaining visitors
  • Apply structured data for better display in search engines


Content requires as the second SEO law that you score better when your content is unique, relevant, and of good quality.

  • Unique content
  • Relevant content
  • What you give you will never get back
  • Authority

You win SEO

A lot of information to process, but how do you get started? There are several roads that lead to Rome, but practically I propose the following path to success:

  • Determine the goal for your SEO strategy (e.g. sharing knowledge)
  • Identify customer problems by brainstorming and conducting research
  • Choose which channels you use and how they complement each other
  • Create a content calendar to give content a permanent place in the agenda. Otherwise, you will keep putting this off
  • Make 1 person responsible
  • Trial and error. Not every piece of content scores. A wise man once said: if you don’t fall, you don’t learn to get up. Just do it!
  • My experience has taught me that step 5 is a very important one. A booster is always nice to have in your team, otherwise content always comes second. Good luck with your battle in the endless game of SEO.
